
"Using the material and energy resources of space to improve the human condition on Earth."

-Gerard K. O’Neill


SSI at Exotic Propulsion Workshop

This week, SSI is very proud to be with Dr. James Woodward, Dr Heidi Fearn, Dr José Rodal  and, basically, the top minds in advanced "exotic" propulsion. This is a by-invitation gathering and there is very limited connectivity way up here in the Rockies so we'll have...

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Energy. And Power.

Heinlein correctly said at the end of Have Spacesuit Will Travel that there is no "Luck": "Why were you on that frequency? Because you were wearing a space suit. Why were you wearing it? Because you were determined to space. When a space ship called, you answered. If...

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SSI Supermodels (part 1)

With summer coming to an end and vacations over it's time to find things close to home to keep the kids (or grandkids) occupied. How about an O'Neill Colony that's easy to put together and makes The Vision a physical reality that you can see from all angles ... on a...

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Space Studies Institute
7429 Laurel Canyon Blvd
Suite S
North Hollywood CA 91605
(661) 750-2774