SSI 50: The Space Settlement Enterprise Video Collection

October 11, 2019

Author: Smith

Professional organizations release conference videos for folks who couldn’t make the trips themselves, but professional viewers have to remember that there is a human downside to having a bunch of sessions dropped all together on the internet.
Many of us have trained a neural path habit into our brains by years of streaming video; Funny cat antics have trained us to expect laughs every 15 seconds and Netflix binging of entire seasons of The Office in a weekend have trained us to think it’s okay leave something on in the background while we do other stuff around the room.
Watching professional conference videos in those habitual ways doesn’t give a real payoff, because the reason for the recording was different… but those streaming habits are so very hard to break.
As you watch the SSI 50 conference recordings, and any professional conference recording, it’s best for you to approach the watching in the same way that you take on a university online class. Set the time, and watch for the points. The professor may start meandering, some other student might ask a tangential question that gets things out of focus (a camera may go out of focus!) but you know that something in that 2 hours may be on the test. And, more importantly, something that you see – that it seems no one else in the audience had spotted – may turn out to be the unique core of your post doc or professional trade career.
There are 11 videos, 12 hours and 46 minutes of produced content, in the SSI 50 YouTube Playlist (plus the “Working Today” PSA). Take the time for them. Make the time for getting the most out of them, For Yourself.
The complete list of SSI 50: The Space Settlement Enterprise video recordings is now assembled for researchers at the content page:

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