This. Is. Awesome. Seriously, Awesome. Rick Guidice
This. Is. Awesome. On so many levels. Great for your holiday day off, kicking back and just watching. (And if you are or you know an artist.....) Thank you Cameron, very well...
SPS. Five New Government Reports and a Second Dad
The Space Studies Institute just added a new batch of U.S. government reports to the SSI SPS Research Library Online Collection: Satellite Power System Engineering And Economic...
Heading to D.C. with Pete Worden? Swing over to NASA Ames first with SSI
This week Dr. Peter Worden, United States Air Force Brigadier-General (retired), Director of NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field (retired 2015), Executive Director of...
Stupidity and Ignorance are not the same things. Ignorances can be fixed. Stupidity is not doing it.
It all seems rather obvious and easy. Returning natural samples to Earth for analysis is fundamentally important to the goal of using the resources of space to improve the Human...
Spin. Spin. Spin. Three linked reasons.
Spin. For the importance of it: "People have a naive faith (fueled by media or science fiction) that on the Moon, or elsewhere in space, life can be ‘continued’ with some...
Have you seen this? Bet you have, but not this way. 1976 MIT Space Colony Systems Design
To a Librarian, every protocol-followed, clinically-cataloged, environmentally-protected and filed-away asset has a real Human story. The asset on this page has many Human...
October 4th. A day that will forever live in History
Happy Anniversary of a revolutionary event! "On October 4, 2004, the Ansari XPRIZE was won by Mojave Aerospace Ventures, successfully completing the contest in their spacecraft...
SPS in the New York Times. And a special free pre-release of a classic
The New York Times caught up with the Solar Power Satellites / Space-Based Solar Power story a few days ago. We apologize for the wait but as you will see in the article there...
This story – should be – only beginning
Yay! Happy stories of parties in the widestream press! And now, as our phone feeds push us to move to the next headlines, it's on you to...
UCLA. A shot a day keeps bone loss away
Interesting: Especially good news, after required development and full pharma testing...