SPS. SSI for Europe. A new video presentation.
No taping allowed... but for you? Ok. The International Conference on Energy from Space 2024 held last week at the headquarters of the Royal Aeronautical Society in London...
Gary C Hudson: The Current Commercial State of Spin-Gravity for Physiological Research
A Hudson HeadsUp My late colleague Bevin McKinney, one of the pioneers of NewSpace, was fascinated by “spinning things.” That obsession led to our jointly founding...
Minutes To Odysseus. A ponder.
3:50pm PT addition: "Welcome to the moon." - Intuitive Machines CEO Steve Altemus A big day. February 22nd, 2024. A BIG day. Here, with just minutes before the hopefully...
January 2024. A month that will live in SPS history
January 2024 will go down as an important month in the ongoing development of Solar Power Satellite technologies. On the non-USA development side, according to reports...
SPS. A new batch of government documents. Please take special note.
January 2024 has been a VERY busy month for Space Based Solar Power / Solar Power Satellites and we are preparing a month-ending wrapup post to be released very soon but before...
SPS. A Special P.O.V. Report
Before the holidays, the Space Studies Institute was ready to release a new batch of government reports to the Online SPS Collection here on SSI.Org. There was just one small...
Holiday’s Best to You and Yours
Tis the season for holiday wishes. Rather than an SSI logo with a Santa cap, we thought we'd share this. Because many of us are now parents...
Yes, SSI is still on Facebook
It was just asked, after a simple little post started having some... fun... discussion, why a professional organization would still be actively putting things out on Facebook. It...
SPS. This week around the world (careful that last link)
In case your phone missed it. There was a minor flurry of Solar Power Satellite / Space Based Solar Power news near the end of October and leading into November, likely prompted...
SPS. No, the Opposite
"“Electricity is plentiful and cheap here on the ground but scarce and expensive in space; we remedy that imbalance,” says Robert Millman, CEO of Electric Sky. " Read that quote...