Recent magazine articles, blogs and documentaries have passed along snippets, this weekend turn up the speaker on your phone and hear the entire message, start-to-finish, in...
Gee Whiz Society
A small group got together at the Dutch Goose in Menlo Park, the burger joint where Gerard K. O'Neill would share lunches with the construction workers and physicists who were...
Free Presentations from The Space Studies Institute
The Space Studies Institute is sometimes asked if we can provide pre-made Powerpoint presentations so folks can go out and correctly give new minds The High Frontier Concept. ...
There’s An O’Neill Colony in San Francisco
The Bay Area is beautiful this time of year. The trees in all of the parks are nearly turned and soon that legendary romantic, film noir fog will be making the Golden Gate Bridge...
Gerard O'Neill on Good and Evil
A classic lecture by Professor Gerard O'Neill is now available on the Space Studies Institute's Soundcloud site. Professor O'Neill explains why you probably don't need to fear...
Watch the legendary "Roundtable TV Interview"
“We are so used to living on a planetary surface that it is a wrench for us even to consider continuing our normal human activities in another location. If, however, the human...
Added to the SSI YouTube Channel: GKON on Habitats
This is very short, but it has interesting points.
15,000 Scientists From 184 Countries Just Issued A Dire ‘Warning To Humanity’
The news today is of a rebirth of the Limits To Growth issue that this planet faces.People are talking about this "down to earth" set of topics again which is very, very good.We...
The 2081 and High Frontier Free Giveaway is now over!
The Space Studies Institute giveaway of the Kindle editions of Gerard K. O'Neill's 2081 and The High Frontier just ended a few minutes ago. Final tally? 989 total free copies...
Right Now 2081 and The High Frontier are FREE
*** This Free giveaway ended September 10th. If you missed it, the price is just $6..99 USD, a minor investment in a major future!*** We broke the news yesterday for SSI...