You might think that the organization with the clearest bloodline back to "that question" would avoid even mentioning anything Mars; Like how some folks say that Elon Musk can...
Yellow, Grey and Brown
Back during the holiday break, about when a young researcher was looking for overview pointers on closed loops, I came across an Irish government proposal on human waste...
Nothing new under the sun, alas
Comments on the previous post brought this little item to mind, Gerard K. O'Neill on a why of the Space Studies Institute. The age old...
from the SSI Facebook page
you don't need a facebook account to view the latest SSI posts. just click and scroll past the nag banners. Question: Are the...
SSI 50: Conference Schedule
The schedule for SSI 50: The Space Settlement Enterprise has been announced. All conference activities will take place in the Museum of Flight's William Allen Theater, unless...
SSI appreciates your your help on this Giving Tuesday
Today is "Giving Tuesday," a yearly event created to do the Heinlein 'Pay It Forward' in a big way. The Space Studies Institute, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded by...
SSI Exotic Propulsion Initiative releases and International News
From the SSI Facebook page: "September 2016 Paul March of Eagleworks does two hours on the drive at the Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop in Estes Park, Colorado (and says that...
New SSI Classic Videos
Last week I sent former SSI Vice President and forever Emeritus Board Member Gregg Maryniak a heads up that we were ready to start putting his 1992 SSI presentation to the AIAA...
New on the SSI YouTube Channel Jo Franklin's The Great Space Race: The Next Civilization
While working as the Washington producer for the legendary MacNeil/Lehrer Report, Jo Franklin became frustrated by the coverage of Space events and she set out to make a...
See you at Space Access?
It's right around the corner now, April 7th-9th in Phoenix. SSI President Gary Hudson is scheduled for the 9am Friday "Paths to Reusability" panel, at 5:30 SSI Senior Associate...