From the SSI Facebook page:
“September 2016 Paul March of Eagleworks does two hours on the drive at the Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop in Estes Park, Colorado (and says that the Chinese “don’t have …”).
November the digital paper comes out.
December The Space Studies Institute releases the complete video of Paul March’s presentation on the SSI YouTube Channel.
… and China makes an announcement.
Prestige and Face are big motivators, very much looking forward to seeing who actually flies first with complete openness to international verification.”
the complete playlist of the 2016 Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop. For individual videos, see Day One, Day Two and Day Three.
Stupidity and Ignorance are not the same things. Ignorances can be fixed. Stupidity is not doing it.
It all seems rather obvious and easy. Returning natural samples to Earth for analysis is...