This is the 90th Birthday week of Space Studies Institute's founder Gerard K. O'Neill and over on the Space Studies Institute Facebook Page we've been posting some snippets from...
Join us in Silicon Valley! SSI and The High Frontier, February 27th in Santa Clara
In the Bay Area? Join President Gary C Hudson at the Hacker Dojo in Santa Clara on Monday Feb 27th As part of the TechTalks series, jointly organized by the Silicon Valley Space...
Happy Birthday Gerard K. O'Neill
Happy Birthday Gerard K. O'Neill. Physicist, Teacher, Inventor, Entrepreneur... [add your description here and on the SSI facebook page] And thank you to Marea Donnelly and Troy...
Just Press Play… This is The High Frontier
Saying that The High Frontier is a great book does not say enough and besides, this book can speak for itself. If it's been a while or you've yet to have your first experience,...
Did they truly read The High Frontier?
I just thought it would be worth saying to folks who have come here on a whim, and to those of us who haven't actually re-read the book recently, that the book "The High...
SSI Exotic Propulsion Initiative releases and International News
From the SSI Facebook page: "September 2016 Paul March of Eagleworks does two hours on the drive at the Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop in Estes Park, Colorado (and says that...
SSI Begins Releasing the Videos of the 2016 Breakthrough Propulsion Workshop
Update Dec 20th: All of the videos are now online at the SSI YouTube Channel! Scroll to the bottom of this post for the direct video links. September 20th - 22nd 2016 the Space...
New feature on SSI.Org: SSI Associate Reviews
With thanks to SSI Senior Associates John Jossy and Robert Sugg we introduce The SSI Associate Reviews To get things started, John...
SSI Supermodels Part 3… your Models
We've had numerous requests for more SSI Supermodels and the SSI "Bernal Sphere" Island is high on the list. Alas, the massive model we had made decades back (shown above) is...
Stephen Hawking should roundtable with Mike Combs
Last night after the family was asleep I started checking on the mailing list for the upcoming SSI Update, our special private Newsletter for SSI Associates. Robin Snelson had...